Wednesday 22 July 2009

Preparation, Packing and something else beginning with 'P'

So I guess that this the beginning of an almost year long blog (hopefully!).

I find the whole idea of a blog a bit puzzling as more often than not they are exactly the same as every other blog out there; full of boring and debatable content, written in a fancy tone aimed at proving what an amazing time you're having. In reality I'm sure that studying abroad can't be the crazy whirlwind experience that I expect it to be and that deep down in the beginning I may not be too happy in Texas. Furthermore, although I mock the idea of a 'blogger', I am essentially just the same and will ridiculously conform to the concept. It is also extremely likely, as with most diaries that I have tried to keep, that as the year goes on the entries will progressively decrease in both content and quantity.

You cannot fault my eagerness in starting the blog exactly a month before I am due to go to Texas. I think part of this is to try and relieve some of the stress that I'm experiencing with organising everything as well as earning as much money as I can at Center Parcs in order to fund the trip! I'm starting to feel like I'm getting somewhere with the preparations and have sorted out the passport, visa, flights, apartment and class schedule and it has been absolute hell. I'm already fed up with the lack of organisational skills from the americans and can't help but feel that I'm fighting a losing battle!

Oh well, I'm sure that it will get better. My OCD organisational skills will undoubtedly pay off when I get out there and who knows...I may actually enjoy myself!


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