Monday 26 October 2009

Mammoth catch up: part 1

Okay, so I was reminded today that I haven't posted anything for an obscene amount of weeks. It also reminded me that people actually read my blog which is a little scary if I'm being honest. Basically too much has gone on for me to remember so I will endeavour to put most things down but I have less than an hour before my occupational health class and I'm sitting in the foyer on a mac (AGAIN!) so there will be chapters to the blog haha.

Things are very crazy here, which is partly why I haven't blogged because I'm always doing something. I guess the main thing is that finding a mode of transport for Joe and I isn't really necessary anymore as we have made a lovely collection of friends with cars to take us places! Having said this, most of the time we invite them over to ours for 'english' meals and a lot of wine in the hot tub. We have also bought an eco friendly pack of cards so I know a lot of english, swedish and american card games (drinking games) for my return to England.

A couple of weeks ago we experienced 'homecoming'. If I'm being honest, I still don't really understand what it means, but this is what I can make out:
  • It's essentially for the fraternities and sororities.
  • For sororities it consists of lots of semi naked gyrating on a tiny stage in the hope of having sex with a frat boy.
  • For fraternities it consists of getting really drunk and doing 'jackass' type stunts in order to attract the sorority girls.
  • For most Americans it is their very first bonfire.
  • Everyone goes to the football game (drunk) to watch the Mean Green Eagles lose their 8th consecutive match. It's absolutely not about the match. It's about the 'tailgating' which is where you arrive at 8am in a truck (hence tailgate) and have a massive bbq and a few too many budweisers.
So I hope that goes some way to explaining 'homecoming' haha!

For the past couple of weeks Joe and I have got into an awful habit of staying up late and watching films. I think we did an 8 day straight before realising that the computer game 'roller coaster tycoon' could be a welcomed break. We've also cooked 2 extremely successful roast dinners with 3 courses (homemade tomato soup & homemade bread, roast chicken with sweet potato mash, roast potatoes, broccoli, carrots, pigs in blankets, followed my apple and berry crumble with cinnamon on top!). It's safe to say that everyone loves us haha.

I've found that the Americans don't really understand British humour at all and quite a lot of the time I come off as being sharp or rude. Therefore, I've resorted to extreme banter with Joe because I know he gives as good as he gets. It actually gets pretty hilarious when the Americans start laughing but they have no idea what is going on. We're still getting the 'married couple' comment but I think that's because we're so horrible to eachother that nobody really understands haha.

Exam/music wise, I've had 2 more tests in jazz history. I got 93% in my last one so I'm pretty chuffed but I've just finished my last one and I think my luck has run out. I rather stupidly set my alarm for 7.20pm rather than am and Joe woke me up 5 mins before the bus came. I was fairly awake in the exam but that coupled with a lack of proper revision (due to a rather fantastic thunderstorm the night before!) and no food or drink meant that I wasn't really on form. Oh well, I guess I will find out later today and put it in the second part of my blog!

Having scrolled up the page I see that this is already a fairly lengthy bit of text and I also have 15 minutes to get the laptop back to the computer room and maybe eat something before occupational health! I hope this is long enough to keep those of you bored at work occupied for a little while!

Catch you in a bit...